The other month I gave a short presentation on python to secondary school teachers. I created a pong game for the presentation by instructing codex to write such a game. In case you have not heard, codex is a variant of gpt-3 akin to github pilot that produces code rather than text. It is in private beta currently. I found that codex was able to generate such a game rather quickly and amazingly, during the live demo, the code produced worked out of the batch without any modification on my part, on my windows computer!

I continue to use codex to get quick ideas on libraries, boilerplate code, etc., for various graduation projects that I am supervising. I find that it reduces the need to keep up to date with all the libraries and produces some rather very reasonable code in a very short time period.

The future of coding is probably going to require coders to get to know rather higher level skills such as design patterns. I started teaching a class on this this semester.